10 Most Deadliest Roads In The World

Zick Zack Road

Damian Morys / CC BY-2.0

Zick Zack Road

Below are the list of the most dangerous roads in the world with high death rates and which are extremely a threat to our lives.

1. North Yungas Road, Bolivia

The North Yungas Road is a road leading from La Paz to Coroico, northeast of La Paz in the Yungas region of Bolivia. In 1995 the Inter-American Development Bank christened it as the “world’s most dangerous road”. The road includes cross markings on many of the spots where vehicles have fallen.

North Yungas Road, Bolivia

GilCahana /Public Domain | North Yungas Road, Bolivia

2. Jalalabad–Kabul Road, Afghanistan

The Kabul–Jalalabad Road is a highway running between the Afghan cities of Kabul and Jalalabad, the largest city in eastern Afghanistan and capital of Nangarhar Province. Due to many traffic accidents, the road between Jalalabad and Kabul is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world.

Jalalabad–Kabul Road, Afghanistan

JERRYE & ROY KLOTZ MD /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Jalalabad–Kabul Road, Afghanistan

3. James Dalton Highway, Alaska

The James W. Dalton Highway, usually referred to as the Dalton Highway road in Alaska. It begins at the Elliott Highway, north of Fairbanks, and ends at Deadhorse near the Arctic Ocean and the Prudhoe Bay oil fields.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

Wikipedia /CC BY-SA 3.0 | James Dalton Highway, Alaska

4. Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

The Karakoram Highway (KKH), also known as the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway, is one of the highest paved international roads in the world.

Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

Nadeem alam al-karimea /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

5. Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

The Guoliang Tunnel is carved along the side of and through a mountain in China. The tunnel links the village of Guoliang to the outside through the Taihang Mountains which are situated in Huixian, Xinxiang, Henan Province of China.

Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

BikerKarl2013 /CC BY-2.0 | Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

6. The Zoji Pass, India

Zoji La (often referred to as Zoji Pass in the foreign press) is a high mountain pass in Jammu and Kashmir, India located on the Indian National Highway 1D between Srinagar and Leh in the western section of the Himalayan mountain range.

The Zoji Pass, India

Yogeshgupta26 /Public Domain | The Zoji Pass, India

7. Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

Skippers Canyon is a historic and scenic gorge, some 22 kilometres in length, that is located on the north of Queenstown. Today accessed from Queenstown via the same road that leads to Coronet Peak skifield, Skippers Canyon houses the Shotover River, one of New Zealand’s richest gold-bearing rivers which was named by William Gilbert Rees.

Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

Bernard Spragg. NZ /Public Domain | Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

8. Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

The Paso Internacional Los Libertadores, also called Cristo Redentor, is a mountain pass in the Andes between Argentina and Chile. It is the main transport route out of the Chilean capital city Santiago into Mendoza city in Argentina and so carries quite heavy traffic.

Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

Karora /Public Domain | Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

9. The Stelvio Pass, Italy

The Stelvio Pass is a mountain pass in northern Italy, at an elevation of 2,757 m (9,045 ft) above sea level. It is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps.

The Stelvio Pass, Italy

Amcs1983 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | The Stelvio Pass, Italy

10. Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan

The Central Cross-Island Highway or Provincial Highway No.8 is one of three highway systems that connect the west coast with the east of Taiwan. One of the most dangerous roads in Taiwan, the Taroko Gorge Road is full narrow paths with curves and sharp turns leading through cliffs and mountains.

Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan

Tom Cheng /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan

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