13 Most Fascinating International Borders Made By Rivers

Danube River

irenne56 / Public Domain

Danube River

A River Border is a border between states or their subdivisions which is concomitant with natural formations such as rivers, mountain ranges, or deserts. Listed below are few of them :-

1. Colorado River

The Colorado River forms the border between United States and Mexico.

Colorado River

skeeze /Public Domain | Colorado River

2. Kagera River

The Kagera River flows east along the Rwanda-Burundi and Rwanda-Tanzania borders to a confluence with the Ruvubu River.

The Confluence Of The Kagera And Ruvubu Rivers

SteveRwanda /CC BY-SA 3.0 | The Confluence Of The Kagera And Ruvubu Rivers

3. Cuando River

The Cuando River flowing through Angola and Namibia’s Caprivi Strip into the Linyanti Swamp on the northern border of Botswana.

4. Rainy River

Rainy River forms part of the U.S.-Canada border separating northern Minnesota and Northwestern Ontario.

Rainy River

USGS /Public Domain | Rainy River

5. Detroit River

The whole river is coterminous with the international border between Canada and the United States.

Detroit River

Barbara Eckstein /CC BY 2.0 | Detroit River

6. Artibonite River

The Artibonite River is forming part of the international border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

7. Quaraí River

The Quaraí River forms the boundary between Uruguay on the south and Rio Grande do Sul state of Brazil on the north.

8. St. Marys River

St. Marys River is separating Michigan in the United States from Ontario, Canada.

9. Danube River

The Danube River separates Hungary from Slovakia.

Danube River

irenne56 /Public Domain | Danube River

10. Limpopo River

The river forms the border for about 640 km separating South Africa from Botswana to the northwest and Zimbabwe to the north.

11. Aras River

The Aras River form the boundary between Nakhchivan and Iran.

Aras River

M karzarj /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Aras River

12. Akhurian River

The Akhurian River marks the border between Turkey and Armenia.

Akhurian River

Jean & Nathalie /CC BY 2.0 | Akhurian River

13. Tumen River

The Tumen River at the border between North Korea and China.

Tumen River In Winter

Farm /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Tumen River In Winter

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