Beautiful Euphorbia Obesa Plant Which Resembles Like A BaseBall


Euphorbia obesa is a subtropical succulent species of Euphorbia genus. It comes from South Africa, especially in the Cape Province. Euphorbia obesa resembles a ball, thornless and decorative.

Euphorbia Obesa

Frank Vincentz /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Euphorbia Obesa

It is commonly known as ‘baseball plant’ due to its shape. Its diameter is between 6 cm and 15 cm depending on its age. Young Euphorbia obesa’s are spherical, but become cylindrical with age.

Euphorbia Obesa

Yikrazuul /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Euphorbia Obesa

It is green with horizontal lighter or darker stripes. In the wild and with exposure to direct sunlight, it shows red and purple areas. The plant is dioecious, which means that a subject has only male or female flowers.

Euphorbia Obesa

Frank Vincentz /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Euphorbia Obesa

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