2 Most Popular Houseboats In India

Kerala Houseboat

Hans A. Rosbach / CC BY-SA 3.0

Kerala Houseboat

A houseboat (different from boathouse, which is a shed for storing boats) is a boat that has been designed or modified to be used primarily as a home. Some houseboats are not motorized, because they are usually attached, kept stationary at a fixed point and often tethered to land to provide utilities. Mentioned below are the 2 best houseboats in India.

1. Kerala Houseboats

Houseboats in Kerala, south India are huge, slow-moving barges used for trips. Such a houseboat is about 60 to 70 feet long and about 15 feet wide at the middle. The hull is made of wooden planks that are held together by ropes of coconut fiber and usually ‘Anjili’ wood is use for houseboat. There are many houseboats in kerala like Elite House Boat, Alleppey Houseboats, Rainbow Cruises, Kettuvallam houseboat etc.

Kerala Houseboats

McKay Savage /CC BY 2.0 | Kerala Houseboats

2. Kashmir Houseboats

The houseboats in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir are usually stationary. They are usually moored at the edges of the Dal Lake and Nageen lake. The houseboats are of different sizes, some having up to three bedrooms apart from a living room and kitchen. Srinagar’s thousand or so houseboats are moored along sections of the Dal and Nagin Lakes and the Jhelum River.

Houseboat In Dal Lake

Basharat Alam Shah /CC BY 2.0 | Houseboat In Dal Lake

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