Holy City Of Mathura Vrindavan

Mathura Temple

Poco a poco / CC BY-SA 1.0

Mathura Temple

Mathura is a city in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Mathura is the birthplace of Krishna at the centre of Brij-bhoomi, called Shri Krishna Janma-Bhoomi. It is one of the seven cities (Sapta Puri) considered holy by Hindus. Mathura was the capital of the Surasena Kingdom, ruled by Kansa the maternal uncle of Krishna.

Krishna Temple In Mathura

Nimit Kumar Makkar /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Krishna Temple In Mathura

Mathura is a holy city for Hinduism and the world’s third-largest religion. There are many places of historic and religious importance in Mathura and its neighbouring towns.

Vishram Ghat, Mathura

Hemant Shesh /CC BY-SA 4.0 | Vishram Ghat, Mathura

The twin-city to Mathura is Vrindavan. Vrindavan is the home of Krishna in his youth. It is the small town is host to a multitude of temples belonging to various sects of Hinduism proclaiming Krishna in various forms and avatars.

Ancient Mural Temple, Mathura

Nimit Kumar Makkar /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Ancient Mural Temple, Mathura

There are many Temples to visit in and around Mathura like Keshav Dev Temple (Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi), Vishram Ghat, Shri Jagannath Temple, Prem Mandir, Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, Mathura Museum, Birla Mandir, Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi, Naam yog Sadhna Mandir (Baba Jai Gurudev Temple), Banke Bihari Temple, Baldeo temple.

Jai Gurudev Mandir, Mathura

Nico Crisafulli /CC BY 2.0 | Jai Gurudev Mandir, Mathura

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