Know Some Facts About Torch Ginger Flower


Etlingera elatior also known as torch ginger, ginger flower, red ginger lily, torch lily, wild ginger etc. It is a species of herbaceous perennial plant. This flower is found in North Sumatra,  Indonesia, Thailand, Karo etc. The showy pink flowers are used in decorative arrangements, while the flower buds are an important ingredient in the Nonya dish laksa.

Etlingera Elatior Plants

Andy king50 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Etlingera Elatior Plants

In North Sumatra, the flower buds are used for a dish called arsik ikan mas. It is known in Indonesian as bunga kecombrang or honje. In Thailand, it is eaten in a kind of Thai salad preparation. In Karo, the ripe seed pods, which are packed with small black seeds, are an essential ingredient of the Karo version of sayur asam and are particularly suited to cooking fresh fish.

Etlingera Elatior

019ATAZLAN /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Etlingera Elatior

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