Take A Visit To The Beautiful Town Of Valparai

Valparai Tea Plantation

Mcasankar / CC BY-SA 3.0

Valparai Tea Plantation

Valparai is a Taluk and hill station in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, India. The major portions of the land are owned by private tea companies and large forest areas. Valparai is a mid-elevation hill station. The tea plantations are surrounded by evergreen forest.

40 Hairpin Bends In Valparai Hills

Dilli2040 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | 40 Hairpin Bends In Valparai Hills

There are 40 hairpin bends on the way up to Valparai from Azhiyar. The region is also a rich elephant tract and is known to have many leopards. The scenic drive to the town from Pollachi passes through the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary noted for elephants, boars, lion-tailed macaques, gaur, spotted deer, sambar and giant squirrels.

Great Hornbill

Kalyanvarma /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Great Hornbill

The area is also rich in birds including the great hornbill. Water bodies at Monkey Falls and Aliyar Dam are also seen in route. A famous place of worship, Balaji Temple also attracts pilgrims. The Valparai range is also habitat to the Nilgiri tahr, a wild goat.

Gaur, Valparai

Prithvi1989 /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Gaur, Valparai

Places to Visit in Valparai are Solaiyar Dam, Balaji Temple, Pancha Mugha Vinayakar Temple, Monkey Falls, Aaliyar Dam, Athirampalli Falls, Chinnakallar dam, waterfalls etc.

Dam Site On The Way To Valparai

Sujithvv /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Dam Site On The Way To Valparai

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