The Mysterious Skeleton Lake Of The Himalayas

Roopkund Lake

Schwiki / CC BY-SA 4.0

Roopkund Lake

Roopkund is a glacial lake in Uttarakhand state of India. The location is uninhabited and is located in Himalaya at an altitude of about 5,029 metres. In Roopkund lake, hundreds of human skeletons found. The depth of the lake is about 2 metres. The skeletons are visible in the clear water of the shallow lake during a one-month period, when the ice melts. Because of these skeletons, the lake is also sometimes called as Skeleton lake in recent times.

Human Skeletons In Roopkund Lake

Schwiki /CC BY-SA 4.0 | Human Skeletons In Roopkund Lake

Along with the skeletons, objects like wooden artifacts, iron spearheads, leather slippers, rings etc. were also found.  The lake is surrounded by rock-strewn glaciers and snow clad mountains. It is a good trekking destination.

Roopkund Temple

Schwiki /CC BY-SA 4.0 | Roopkund Temple

Roopkund is a picturesque and beautiful tourist destination and one of the important places for trekking in Himalayas. Roopkund lake is located near the base of two Himalayan peaks: Trisul (7120 m) and Nanda Ghunti (6310 m). Roopkund lake is covered with ice for most of the time during the year. However, the journey to Roopkund is an enjoyable experience. All along the way, one is surrounded by mountain ranges on all sides.

Bedni Bugal On Way To Roopkund

Djds4rce /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Bedni Bugal On Way To Roopkund

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