Top 10 Very Famous Portrait Photographers In The World

Portrait Photography

David Featherston / CC BY-SA 2.0

Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is not just making any portrait, its about capturing a right moment and a right emotion of the person.
Here is a list of top 10 very Famous Portrait Photographers in the World.

1. Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry (born February 24, 1950) is an American photographer who has worked in photojournalism and editorial. He is best known for his 1984 photograph “Afghan Girl”, which originally appeared in National Geographic magazine.

Steve McCurry

Arupkamal /CC BY-SA 3.0 | Steve McCurry

2. Jimmy Nelsson

Jimmy Nelson (born 1967) is a British photojournalist and photographer known for his portraits of tribal and indigenous peoples.

Jimmy Nelson

Vera de Kok /CC BY-SA 4.0 | Jimmy Nelson

3. Réhahn Croquevielle

Réhahn, born on May the 4th of 1979 in Bayeux in Normandy France, is a French photographer based in Hoi An in Vietnam.


Rehahn /CC BY-SA 4.0 | Rehahnlr

4. Mary Ellen Mark

Mary Ellen Mark (March 20, 1940 – May 25, 2015) was an American photographer known for her photojournalism / documentary photography, portraiture, and advertising photography. She photographed people who were “away from mainstream society and toward its more interesting, often troubled fringes”

Mary Ellen Mark

John Ramspott /CC BY 2.5 | Mary Ellen Mark

5. Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon (May 15, 1923 – October 1, 2004) was an American fashion and portrait photographer. An obituary published in The New York Times said that “his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America’s image of style, beauty and culture for the last half-century”.

Richard Avedon

blaze6t9 /CC BY 2.0 | Richard Avedon

6. David LaChapelle

David LaChapelle (born March 11, 1963) is an American commercial photographer, fine-art photographer, music video director, film director, and artist.

David LaChapelle

Gampe /CC BY 3.0 | David LaChapelle

7. Ansel Adams

Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist. His black-and-white landscape photographs of the American West, especially Yosemite National Park, have been widely reproduced on calendars, posters, and books.

8. Robert Capa

Robert Capa (born Andre Friedmann; October 22, 1913 – May 25, 1954) was a Hungarian war photographer and photo journalist, arguably the greatest combat and adventure photographer in history.

Robert Capa

Gerda Taro /Public Domain | Robert Capa

9. Alfred Stieglitz

Alfred Stieglitz (January 1, 1864 – July 13, 1946) was an American photographer and modern art promoter who was instrumental over his fifty-year career in making photography an accepted art form.

Alfred Stieglitz

Gertrude Käsebier /Public Domain | Alfred Stieglitz

10. Yousuf Karsh

Yousuf Karsh, CC (December 23, 1908 – July 13, 2002) was an Armenian-Canadian portrait photographer. He has been called one of the great portrait photographers of the 20th century by Time magazine and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, with the latter noting the “distinct style in his theatrical lighting.

Yousuf Karsh

Yousuf Karsh /Public Domain | Yousuf Karsh

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