World’s Biggest Tent

View Of Khan Shatyr

Ben Dalton / CC BY 2.0

View Of Khan Shatyr

A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, attached to a frame of poles or attached to a supporting rope. While smaller tents may be free-standing or attached to the ground, large tents are usually anchored using guy ropes tied to stakes or tent pegs. First used as portable homes by nomadic peoples, tents are now more often used for recreational camping and temporary shelters.

Khan Shatyr

Khan Shatyr is a giant transparent tent in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan. Height of the tent is 500 ft and tent has a 200 m elliptical base covering with 140,000 square metres area.

Inside View Of Khan Shatyr

ninara /CC BY 2.0 | Inside View Of Khan Shatyr

Underneath the tent an area larger than 10 football stadiums, is an urban-scale internal park, shopping and entertainment venue with squares and cobbled streets, a boating river, shopping centre, mini golf and indoor beach resort.

The Beach On The Top Floor Of Khan Shatyr

upyernoz /CC BY 2.0 | The Beach On The Top Floor Of Khan Shatyr

The transparent material allows sunlight through which in conjunction with the stack effect, air heating and cooling systems. It is designed to maintain an internal temperature between 15–30 °C in the main space and 19–24 °C in the retail units.

Khan Shatyr

Alex J. Butler /CC BY 2.0 | Khan Shatyr

Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center was the second national project in Astana and its designed by UK architect Norman Foster and UK engineers Buro Happold led by Mike Cook. The whole complex was completed and opened on 5 July 2010.

Khan Shatyr At Evening

Ben Dalton /CC BY 2.0 | Khan Shatyr At Evening

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